Until My Name is Known – Sonya Contreras

Deb’s Dozen: Moses called by God, Zipporah left behind, but God’s Will Be Done.

Until My Name is Known by Sonya Contreras retells the familiar story of Moses from the time he saw God in the burning bush until he led the Israelites across the sea bed to safety—but with a twist.

Contreras personalizes Moses in a way I’ve not seen before. By starting at the burning bush, we see a Moses who has lived contentedly in the desert for forty years. He and his wife, Zipporah, and their sons, Gershom, have tended sheep and lived well. The new baby, Eliezer, is growing strong and healthy. When Moses comes back with the incredible story of the bush and the mission God has given him, Zipporah scoffs—why should God choose him? They’re comfortable where they are, why should they leave? Despite her desires to stay in their home, Zipporah packs up and journeys with Moses as they begin their trek toward Egypt. The night after they receive leave from her father, an angel of the Lord appears demanding that their sons be circumcised, something Zipporah has forbidden. Afraid the angel will kill her sons, she takes a knife and does the deed herself, but she is very bitter. Moses realizes what this cost her and also that the best place for her and their sons is with her father, so he sends them back home.

Aaron is a prominent swne, or healer, in Egypt. One evening he hears a voice telling him to go and meet Moses. Aaron and his trusted slave, along with their guard, head out to meet Moses. Meanwhile, in Egypt, the high priest of Amon-Ra, Badhu, also hears a voice, “Beware of one who seeks to take all of the power of Egypt from Pharaoh.” The stage is set; the die is cast; the Lord God is on the move.

The difference in this book is that Contreras takes us into the everyday lives of the Hebrews and Egyptians. She shows us what their lives were like. We care for these people and are saddened when the plagues begin to strike the land. The ordinary people didn’t really understand—much as so many people today do not understand that God is not to be mocked—He is in charge of this universe. Dinah and Adlai and General Chike and Hannah and Nathan and Carmel—all people you will get to know who are affected by this strange battle between God and Pharaoh. You may like this retelling of such a familiar story though the device of the ordinary people caught up in the conflict. Until My Name Is Known (Tell of My Kingdom’s Glory).Three stars.

Sonya says of herself on her webpage, “I’m Sonya Contreras. Author of Biblical Fiction. Married to my best friend. Challenged by eight sons’ growing pains. Enjoying the moment. Writing about my family, reading and life.

Childhood with five sisters could never prepare me for the future God had for me. Graduating from Cedarville University with a major in comprehensive science education failed to fully equip me for my future. Teaching two years in Christian schools only showed me how much I needed to know.

While attending Institute for Creation Research Graduate Program, I married my husband of 23 years. Whatever training I received had to be enough for the eight boys that God gave to us.

No amount of sisterly interaction prepared me for a boy’s mind searching for adventure. No degree of college could help me stay one step ahead of the creativity and ingenuity of a boy on a mission. But all that training established my roots deeply on the Bible and enabled my searching heart to keep their wanderings grounded in truth, love and God’s Word.” Walk well, Sonya!

Bull Head Press gave me a copy of this book in exchange for my candid review.

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